Ukrainian Canadian Peace Dove
CA$100 2022 Screen Print and Paint 10" x10" - Limited Series of 10 A blue horizon above a golden plain, a reflection of a peaceful Ukrainian landscape. Standing with Ukraine means standing for a lasting peace. The Ukrainian people have fought for generations to maintain their distinct identity and independence. There is an overwhelming yearning for peace throughout the Ukrainian diaspora. The entire sale of these prints will go to Соціальний рух (pronounced "Sotsyalnyi Rukh", which in Ukrainian translates to Social Movement) to provide direct and urgent humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people. Соціальний рух |
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Fine Art Photography
CA$850 Framed Digital Print on Photo Rag Paper 24"x18" or 18"x24" Photographs displayed in the Art Gallery are available to purchase as framed fine art prints. |
Persistent Resistance – Graphic Images
Full set of six images CA$500 2019 Set of Six 10"x10" Screen Prints - each in a limited series of 10 I’m proud to have been involved with a number of groups that advocate for social justice in Winnipeg over the past 10 years or so. Many have asked me to do design work for them. The objectives of those that took part in the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike resonate with the progressive organizations and ideas that the images in this collection represent. Although that strike was a milestone in many respects, it was not unique as an example of class struggle. The struggle has been going on for a very long time and it continues today. |
Peace Jet
CA$100 2019 Screen Print 10"x10" - Limited Series of 10 This image is a reaction to the military jet logo used for the Winnipeg Jets. The city’s NHL franchise holds a warm place in the hearts of a vast majority of Winnipegers. From father son outings to white out parties, cheering for the Jets is a right of passage. The fond memories and love for this team run deep. Hockey is a time to celebrate and have fun. War is a time for reverence and sobriety. The glorification of a war machine seems very out of place in this forum of family entertainment. A militarized image of a jet is as appropriate a crest for our hockey team as a peace sign would be. This image is in the public domain. |
Solidarity Winnipeg
CA$100 2019 Screen Print 10"x10" - Limited Series of 10 This is the logo for Solidarity Winnipeg, a small member-based group that is working to lay the basis for a political organization that works in and with other ecological, Indigenous, labour and social justice groups to organize for social change. They aim to politicize, unite and organize to build grassroots power in our communities. The group’s goals and outlooks resonate strongly with those that led and participated in the 1919 General Strike. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this print will go to Solidarity Winnipeg. |
Friends of Shoal Lake 40
CA$100 2019 Screen Print 10"x10" - Limited Series of 10 The image on display is a minimalistic version of the Friends of Shoal Lake 40 logo, a Winnipeg-based group of indigenous and non-indigenous people and organizations created to advocate for Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. This once self-sufficient community was displaced from their traditional lands to make way for the City of Winnipeg’s water diversion project that provides the city’s residence and businesses with an inexpensive source of clean water. Winnipeg drew it’s first glass of Shoal Lake water in 1919, the same year as the Winnipeg General Strike. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this print will go to Friends of Shoal Lake 40. |
Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition
CA$100 2019 Screen Print 10"x10" - Limited Series of 10 The image displayed is a minimalistic version of the logo for the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition (MEJC), an alliance of Manitoban community groups and individual supporters committed to defending the lands, air, and waters in Manitoba by working to reclaim and protect our environment while promoting social justice in the energy sector. The MEJC’s mission is to transform the energy sector through advocacy for social and environmental justice, leading to the elimination of fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction in Manitoba. Climate catastrophe is threatening the working-class and all of humanity, while being ignored or co-opted by the elite to justify endless growth and profit. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this print will go to the MEJC |
Occupy Winnipeg
CA$100 2019 Screen Print 10"x10" - Limited Series of 10 This image was originally used on a button that helped people identify each other at Occupy Winnipeg. On October 15, 2011 over 400 people walked from the steps of the Manitoba Legislative Building to Portage and Main, and then back to the Legislative Grounds, where many of them stayed. Inspired by and in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, a strong anti-capitalist movement that brought to light the struggle of the 99% vs the 1%, Occupy Winnipeg brought together interests and concerns from diverse political and ideological directions. The encampment's last few hardy occupiers were evicted by police on December 21, 2011. Occupy Winnipeg continued to attend and organize protests. Although the people involved haven’t flown the Occupy banner in many years, they continue to work for human rights and justice in various different ways. |
Persistent Resistance – Photo Collage
⬤ sold 2019 Digital Print 16" x 20” The image in this piece is a combination of four photographs. The first two (closest to the bottom) are pictures I took in 2019 at the Solidarity Forever Parade and World Water Day, respectively. The next one is the annual Winnipeg Walk for Peace from the early 1980’s by Richard Freedman. And the picture furthest back is the iconic “Prison Bars Cannot Confine Ideas”, an Archives Canada photo from the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. Class struggle is part of a continuum that emerges in a variety of ways throughout history. |